After being published in Chile’s Official Gazette, today has entered into force the new regulation on the notification of concentration operations, contained under Decree No. 41 dated May 7th, 2021 of the Ministry of Economy, which provides adjustments to the information that companies filing a merger operation before the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office (“FNE”) must submit.
The new regulation, jointly prepared by the Ministry of Economy and the FNE, updates and supersedes the regulation in force since 2016.
Additionally, in order to clarify the information requirements established under the new regulation, the FNE published today the new merger filing form, a document that systematizes, provides examples and explains the background information required for each of the notification mechanisms of a merger transaction: the ordinary, the simplified and the simplified without overlaps mechanism.
The new regulation and the new form update and strengthen the mandatory merger control regime in force in Chile, and are added to the Guide for the Analysis of Horizontal Merger Transactions -which was submitted for public consultation and is about to be issued in its final version-, and the Pre-Notification Guidance, published by the FNE last May 12th, 2021.
See new Regulation on the Notification of a Concentration Operation.